Remote Control: Four tips to stay connected, even when you’re working remotely


Alicia Briggs

– VOL. 6

With remote work on the rise, and no sign of stopping, remote workers may struggle to feel connected. If that’s you, Venn is here to help. Below we dive into four easy ways for remote workers to connect to a fulfilling, like-minded community today.

Working remotely has many benefits, such as a more flexible schedule, no commute time, and more independence; but, remote work is not without its downsides. 

As we enter a remote work era, many remote workers report feeling lonely, disconnected or isolated. It can be difficult to find a like-minded community when you’re working from home or running your own remote business. 

While many of us understand the importance of mental health, few realize the vital role that social connection plays in our overall well-being. According to Dr. Emma Seppala, a lack of social connection is actually more harmful to our health than smoking or obesity. 

On the flip side, strong social connection is linked to a stronger immune system, higher levels of self-esteem and empathy, a longer lifespan and less anxiety and depression. This is why finding ways to socially connect as a remote worker is so important. 

Below you’ll find four simple tips to connect with a like-minded community today:

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Neighbors in Venn communities have the opportunity to participate in virtual and IRL  wellness classes like Saturday morning yoga.

1. Take Social Breaks 

Many people who work from home struggle to take breaks, but it’s essential for preventing burnout, boosting your productivity and creativity. It’s also a great way to connect with others. 

Plan screen-free lunch or coffee dates with other remote workers, nearby colleagues or friends. 

Even better, plan an activity based on movement. Meet a friend for a fitness class or go on a walk to break up the day. According to NAMI, planning movement-based social activities is a great way to connect, destress and boost your mood. 

2. Try New Activities On and Offline

For remote workers, finding ways to connect with others outside of work and ideally offline is essential for your mental health, according to Dr. Therese. 

This could mean starting a book club, taking an art or dance class, joining a hiking group, or enrolling in that course you’ve been meaning to take. Mental Health America suggests choosing an activity that interests you in order to find like-minded friends.

Not sure where to start? Using Venn is a great way to find events near you for a wide range of interests, both on and offline. Check out the app to see what’s happening in your neighborhood. 

3. Utilize Shared Workspaces

Sometimes you need a change of scenery. A great way to connect with others while working remotely is to try out shared workspaces. 

Co-working spaces can help remote workers feel a sense of belonging, community and purpose, according to the Harvard Business Review. Plus, they provide wonderful networking opportunities. 

Try out co-working spaces or attend remote work meetups. If you have co-workers that live nearby, or friends who work remotely, consider organizing a co-working day together. 

Venn can also help you find a shared workspace in your own neighborhood and connect with fellow remote workers.

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In Kansas City, where many people work remotely, Venn Neighbors organize regular bike tours to break free from the screen and explore the community together.

4. Get to Know Your Neighborhood

Sometimes the best communities are the ones right outside your doorstep. Getting involved with your own neighborhood is a great way to meet others and have an impact on your own community. That’s why Venn started! 

Utilize Venn to get to know your Neighbors and stay up to date on local events. From meetups, to lunch dates, to community events, your neighborhood is filled with ways to connect with like-minded people and to make new friends. 

Another great way to meet people in your neighborhood is to volunteer. Venn can help you find local volunteer initiatives with like-minded neighbors. According to Dr. Sophie Mort, a mental health specialist who shares down-to-earth tips via Instagram, volunteering is a fantastic way to boost your self-esteem, connect with others, and have a meaningful impact on your community.

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