Hello Neighbor! The Spirit of Confidence


Angela Cravens

– VOL. 8

Our “Hello Neighbor!” series is an ongoing collection of short stories from the heart of our neighborhoods and the people who make them home.

As told By Tyrone in Kansas City:

Sometimes people forget—it’s all about the little things. That’s what makes a neighborhood. Taking time to say hello. Sharing experiences. Maybe even getting out of your comfort zone. 

At my building, there’s a whiteboard where people write little notes for each other. I’ll see them as I’m coming to and from work. Little notes like, “How was your day?” or “I cried today.” I don’t know who writes the notes, but I love it. I’m always looking at that board. People write whatever they want, however they feel. Little positive messages like, “Maybe the sun will come out today.” Maybe one day I’ll meet Mr. or Ms. Anonymous who’s writing these positive messages for their neighbors to read.

Over the past year, I’d see first responders coming home to the building—nurses and teachers—and they always looked so worn out. They looked like they could barely walk through the door. I wanted to do something for them, so I put together an event to help uplift the community. I invited different leaders from the community to speak—business owners and teachers and artists. Even a personal trainer—his speech was amazing! And we had music and local vendors. I called the event “The Spirit of Confidence”. 


Feeling that healing energy of everyone together in the room, getting a bit of sanity back after a tough time, it was incredibly inspiring for me. It planted a seed in me that I want to create more moments like this for the community. I learned so much in the process of producing the event. The experience gave me a real boost. That’s what it’s all about—being there for those who may need our help.